Friday, June 26

Snip Snip Snip

I love keeping my hair long. I remember when I was in secondary school, my school do not allow girls to keep long hair. Anything touching the shoulders has to be cut! So those 4 years were the most agonising period of my adolescent and I HATED my secondary school years because of it.

Strangely, something got over me this year, I cut my hair not once but 3 times in 6 months! And it wasn't even trim, I had inches snipped off each time I visited the salon.

I think I am a little not myself anymore.....
Occasionally I still dream about my long, wavy waist length tress but for now it is just short and sassy.


someone said...

Nice! U can carry the style of short hair well.

`duckling said...

long or short, you still look every bit of that hot momma. (:


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